The new virtual assistant gives the round-the-clock self-service option to TD Precious Metals’ customers to help them with frequently asked questions related to pricing, delivery options, and shipping of precious metals

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IBM develops an AI-based virtual assistant for Canadian investment bank TD Securities. (Credit: Babu/Wikimedia Commons)

IBM has launched an artificial intelligence (AI) based virtual assistant powered by IBM Watson Assistant for Canadian investment bank TD Securities to help the latter’s customers get their inquiries on the TD Precious Metals digital store answered.

Through the TD Precious Metals digital store, customers can make online purchases of physical gold, platinum, and silver bullion and coins.

With the new virtual assistant’s introduction, customers get a self-service option, which is available round-the-clock to help them with frequently asked questions related to TD Precious Metals. Using the new feature, customers can get their queries cleared pertaining to pricing, delivery options, and shipping of precious metals.

According to IBM, customers input their questions into the virtual assistant and get an instant written response. The AI-based virtual assistant also provides links in the answer to further help the buyer.

TD Securities managing director and retail and wealth distribution and product innovation head James Wolanski said: “We know our customers are looking for an enhanced digital experience and the new virtual assistant will provide quick responses to help customers feel confident in their purchasing decisions.

“Our TD Precious Metals Support Desk will remain available for any inquiry that may require additional support or a human touch.”

The virtual assistant is said to have been developed and integrated through the collaboration between IBM Consulting experts and TD Securities’ digital and technology teams.

The integration of the virtual assistant into the TD Precious Metals digital store was executed by employing the IBM Garage Methodology, which is claimed to be a collaborative approach to expedite innovation and drive transformation that is meaningful and lasting.

IBM said that there could be future iterations of the AI-based feature to further boost the customer experience by introducing additional enhancements as well as functionalities.

IBM Canada financial services sector leader Daniel Cascone said: “With rapid acceleration of digital transformation, businesses need to enhance their services using AI-powered intelligent workflows. The use of AI to automate tasks can drive greater efficiency and strengthen customer relationships.

“We are working with TD Securities to enrich overall customer experience with the power of innovative technology like conversational AI through the IBM Watson-powered AI virtual assistant.”

Earlier this week, IBM unveiled a new data resilience solution called FlashSystem Cyber Vault to help enterprises tackle ransomware and other cyberattacks.