What is a leader, you may ask? This is a loaded question that’s subjective to the core. On a fundamental level, a leader creates success through effective guidance.

However, it’s far more complex than that; the generality of the query belies the intricate nature of a suitable answer.

As such, like most subjective things, it hosts a myriad of possible solutions.

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What is a leader? - Compelo

So, what is a leader, anyway?

1. They’re adaptable and versatile

A great leader is someone who must don the hat of various different roles to maximise performance, and further business strategy.

Thus, it is a demanding position that finds success in light of, and at times, because of risk.

Imagine a tight-rope walker that can juggle with one hand, and use the other to help play the harmonica.

In today’s unpredictable socio-political and economic climate, businesses require leadership that is both focused and adaptable. However, or she must also be keen to flourish through change, as opposed to simply surviving it.

2. They motivate and inspire

Fundamentally, true leadership creates a positive environment that fosters and facilitates change, while also bettering the participants involved.

Ideally, he or she is able to implement innovative strategy for the benefit of the enterprise as a whole. However, they must also foster an authentic rapport with colleagues and staff.

Valuing the group dynamic that is fundamental to any business plan is integral to any market strategy. The chain of command is an ecosystem where all roles must collaborate for the health of a greater organisation.

A true leader is aware of this point, and is instrumental in harnessing the strengths of its workforce.

What is a leader? - Compelo

3. They execute a plan through action

Yet, regardless of how well they inspire others, a leader must also be capable of following their own battle cries.

A “do as I say, not as I do” mentally is a shortcut to undermining the best of plans. For anyone who considers themselves in a leadership position, confidence and drive are also salient qualities unto themselves.

Furthermore, the proliferation of motivational quotes and How-To guides prove that human beings seek forms of mentoring as guiding tools.

As such, an effective leader will have the confidence, vision, and self-discipline to steer their followers to success, as opposed to pushing them.

What is a leader? - Compelo

Ultimately, a leader has qualities that positively and dynamically effect the inner and outer mechanisms of an organisation. If a business is lucky, it will also have someone whose efforts result in lasting and durable change that will grow to become an historical precedent.

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5 best leadership quotes of all time
