Top employers have spoken. Finding the right new hires is no easy task, but this strange quality is actually what they look out for. 

More than 80% of employers say that ‘travelling’ is something they are actively looking for in top candidates. Are you hiring? Perhaps you need to know about this!

A surprising 82% of the world’s top employers are hiring people who have traveled the world. The Vice President of Talent at Adobe, Jeff Vijungco, told Compelo: “The talent and employment landscape is changing faster than it ever has before. Tomorrow’s jobs will be very different from today’s. Employees who understand how to be agile and adapt to different corporate cultures will be in higher demand than ever before. Therefore travel is an essential skill that top employers are looking for.”

top employers - Compelo


Is travel of more value than we might imagine?

The CEO of Hostelworld, Feargal Mooney, told Compelo: “Travelling is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have, and those who ignore the desire to see the world often regret it. Employment and finances don’t have to stand in the way – we’re seeing an increasing number of people packing far-flung adventures into just two weeks, or often just a weekend, and affordable accommodation has never been better. Whatever stage of life you’re in, there’s really no excuse not to get out there and meet the world.”

What is Mooney’s advice to people looking to boost their experiences?

“Travelling not only allows people the space and time to think about what they want to do with their lives and ignite their passions, but also provides you with invaluable skills including increased confidence that will help you to stand out from the crowd,” Mooney told us.

In fact, 35% of adults regret not taking the time to travel the world. Maybe you should book a holiday? What a great excuse this is!

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