Technology is having a huge impact on all of our professional lives, not just those of CEOs. Why you ask? We have investigated before what a top British doctor thinks technology is doing to our health, but now the public have spoken. The results? Pretty terrifying. If you work in one of these industries, you need to re-asses your whole life.

In the survery, a huge 66% of British people admit to sleeping next to their phone. If that’s not an addiction, we don’t know what is. In fact, even more worryingly 34% of people said that they can’t even go to the bathroom without their device. No these aren’t millennials who are glued to Snapchat, these are top professionals across a range of industries.

CEOs - Compelo

These are the top five professions hit by this ‘phone anxiety’. Surprisingly CEOs, directors and owners of companies aren’t number one!

  1. HR (62%)
  2. Lawyer (54%)
  3. Doctors and nurses (49%)
  4. Artist/designer (45%)
  5. CEO/Director/owner (38%)

Jonathan Warren, Director at Time4Sleep, who carried out the research told Compelo: “Our research findings reveal some rather shocking trends about how our technology habits are affecting our lifestyles. It seems that, as a nation, we are addicted to technology but it is important to ensure that our phones do not have a negative impact on our lives.

“It’s interesting to see HR professionals are the most guilty of sleeping in the same bed as their phones as the study also discovered that 93% of HR professionals admit that they are kept awake at night thinking about work too. It’s definitely clear there is a link between technology and not being able to switch off from work and although it can be hard to leave your workload in the office, it’s important we try and make our homes a stress free environment.”

The research also revealed the apps that are keeping us awake at night. Facebook is the one that we check the most, followed by work emails.

  1. Facebook (33%)
  2. Email (15%)
  3. YouTube (8%)
  4. Text messaging (7%)
  5. WhatsApp (7%)

Interestingly, working professionals under 25 are most likely to use Instagram before they go to sleep (21%), whereas Facebook is more popular amongst 35-44 year olds (42%). For those over 65, email was the most popular app (29%).

Does this sound familiar? Maybe you need to re-asses how you use your devices.

Read more about CEOs here –

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