The posters are said to incorporate digital technologies such as cloud and OLED displays


The interactive poster of the Jungle Cruise movie created by Accenture and StudioLAB. (Credit: Accenture)

Accenture has extended its collaboration with Disney Studios’ StudioLAB to develop and trial interactive movie posters to provide fans with engaging and immersive experiences.

The posters developed by the duo are said to incorporate digital technologies such as cloud and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays.

Accenture and StudioLAB had partnered in 2017 to design, develop, and install a prototype of an interactive movie poster for Disney for its live-action “Dumbo” premiere.

By using artificial intelligence, 4D cameras, and other sophisticated software and hardware, the interactive movie poster of Dumbo could recognise and respond to the emotions of individuals by displaying film clips that matched their current mood.

StudioLAB content and innovation VP Alice Taylor said: “We learned from the “Dumbo” prototype that fans and guests loved the interactivity our digital posters provide, so we brainstormed with Accenture ways that we could take that engagement to a new level.

“The new advanced posters increase engagement by offering personalised experiences — for example, users can insert themselves in the movie poster and share that image instantly with friends or family. It transforms our audience’s journey beyond just the main feature at the theatre.”

Accenture said that its ongoing collaboration with StudioLAB advances the technology further by using Microsoft Azure. With Azure, the partners can enable the setup and the virtual monitoring of content and data analytics to deliver insights on the interaction of people with the posters.

According to Accenture, the ability to remotely produce and distribute content can enable interactive experiences for users in a range of locations.

Accenture media and entertainment industry US west region group lead John Peters said: “Using this advanced technology, Disney can tell unique stories in a new and engaging way by delivering a range of digital experiences that deepen consumers’ connections with their amazing franchises, stories, and characters.”

StudioLAB is the advanced development division of Disney Studios for driving innovation in creative technologies.

Earlier this year, StudioLAB had selected Salesforce as its innovation partner to help leverage technology for managing and accelerating the lifecycle of content production.