We’re all well aware that being articulate makes people listen to you, but did you know that body language is the deciding factor in making them follow you?

While we traditionally think of body language as sending flirtatious signals to a potential mate, its application is actually far reaching.

A fundamental feature of all aspects of life, experts tout body language as making up the majority of self-expression.

Body language is the art of nonverbal communication

Although the jury is still out as to its exact figures, most pundits do agree that body language makes up the bulk of overall communication.

That being said, aspiring leaders should take advantage of how they pass on information through their physical behaviour.

Leadership is a quality that surfaces in both social and professional environments.

Whether to win people over for the sake of friendship, or to achieve a career goal, influencing others is a key element of dominance.

Follow the below vital traits of effective body language to convey indisputable leadership qualities.


Heads up

The old adage that the eyes are the windows to the soul is still relevant to the discussion of nonverbal communication. Firm eye contact conveys confidence, alertness, and interest. Collectively, these factors also denote truthfulness.

Furthermore, a warm and languid smile shows that you’re genuinely pleased to see someone. Be careful not to rush your toothy enthusiasm, however. Humans render a forced smile by engaging less facial muscles than a real one. Audiences can pick up on this difference, and mark you as insincere.

Body language - Compelo

Pivotal action

How you position your torso indicates how attentive you are to another person. When you direct your chest area towards the individual you’re interacting with, you communicate that you’re invested in them. This social reward increases the likelihood that your audience will value you, as you’re signalling a sense of belongingness to them. Thus, they could be compelled to cooperate with you more in the future.

If you’re sitting down, the equivalent of this action would be to lean into the discussion.

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Shake it off

A well-known feature of effective body language is definitely the handshake. A firm, yet balanced grip denotes authenticity and trustworthiness. Several studies point out that in professional settings, handshakes are more important than other personal qualities. Furthermore, gripping someone’s hand with all the zeal of a dead fish is hardly an indicator of leadership.

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Leg it

Men and women position their legs differently to convey nonverbal confidence and security.

“Manspreading” refers to a male sitting in a relaxed position, with his leg apart. This kind of seated behaviour denotes dominance and power, and experts claim that taking up more space communicates dominance.

However, some research claims that females exude confidence (common leadership qualities) through sitting with their feet planted firmly on the ground.

Furthermore, the say the same for crossing at the ankles, as this movement signifies honesty, and little to hide.

Body language - Compelo

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