He’s one of the greatest entrepreneurs alive, but could you survive working under the knee-shaking Jeff Bezos leadership style?

Founder of Amazon and potential space colonist Jeff Bezos is unrelentingly successful.

What started off as a concept for selling books online is now a definitive example of how to bend e-commerce to your will.

Furthermore, he created Amazon into something more than just an online bookstore.

The international retail brand is now a go-to for everything.

However, with a net worth in the billions, Bezos runs his successful enterprises with a game plan.

Discover how he keeps Amazon and Blue Origin lucrative.

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The Jeff Bezos leadership style: bizarre, but effective

Be brutal

To yourself, that is. However, this tactic isn’t to be confused with self-hate, a healthy dose of self-critique lets you call yourself out, before someone else does.

Disruptive is productive

While many technophobes bemoan disruptive technology’s influences, it continues to change industries. However, embracing change is the key to innovation. As such, Amazon’s introduction of the Kindle changed the book market forever.

Aaaaaaaaand, action!

After dominating the world of online retail, Bezos now has his eye on the sky with Blue Origin, his bid for commercial space travel. Consequently, his goal of exploring space is part of his ethos to trying many ideas, and seeking action for success.

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Twitter @JeffBezos

Always ask questions

Although, the way that Bezos does it is apparently terrifying. He has a tendency to insert a single question mark in emails to communicate his displeasure on a given issue. Apparently, the symbol is enough to invoke instant fear in the unfortunate recipient.

Lean and hungry

Additionally, in the tradition of other disruptive companies such as Uber and Airbnb, Amazon isn’t a physical shop. As such, Bezos follows the principles of lean manufacturing to increase productivity and reduce waste.

Read more:

Jeff Bezos net worth: who’s behind the billionaire bookstore?

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