A recent survey reveals that the China pollution crisis and its influences is at an all-time high after 70% of firms blatantly violate environmental care laws.

Inspectors based near Beijing have reported that over 13,000 firms ignore air pollution laws.

Environmental representatives checked 28 cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei areas.

Their discoveries reveal that a whopping 70% of firms ignore laws and regulations concerning smog control.

Furthermore, the survey also noted a portfolio of other issues that until recently had gone unchecked.

Reports found that companies release far more emissions than legally allowed.

Thus, this action reveals that while organizations defy policy, officials do not take the necessary actions to enforce environmental rules.

Additionally, some firms worked without licensing. Some even operated without the mandated pollution control tools.

China pollution crisis - Compelo

China pollution crisis: open air barbecues and dusty roads

Thus, the Chinese government is now forced to take stronger action against this overt disregard for environmental care.

Yet, the country’s smog problem is no secret in the global community.

Its reliance on coal-based energy is a core issue, as it’s the main source of electricity in the nation.

Thus, Beijing’s mayor Cai Qui, vows to cut down the use of coal by 30% this year.

However, he also has other plans to tackle air pollution.

He promises to tackle smog by controlling dusty roads and open air barbecues.

Said Qui in a statement:

“Open-air barbecues, garbage incineration, biomass burning, dust from roads – these acts of non-compliance with regulations are actually the result of lax supervision and weak law enforcement”.

Yet, China’s smog already inflicts a devastating toll on the country’s most polluted city.

China pollution crisis - Compelo
Flickr/Global Panorama

People frequently must stay at home for days at a time so as not to breathe the toxic air.

Additionally, engineers will put air purifiers into effect at schools and kindergartens, as children could no longer pursue outdoor activities.

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